
SEO Video: What are Page Titles and How to Use Them

The two main goals of a page title.

If you want your website to rank highly in Google search, investing some time to write good page titles is crucial.

Page titles need to be focused on two goals, help your page rank well when it comes to keywords, and, make the user want to click, to visit your site.

Now here’s something strange, Page Titles aren’t necessarily visible on a webpage. There are, however, a few places you can always find them:

  • in the browser tab
  • when someone creates a bookmark to your page
  • when your site gets listed in an online directory
  • when someone shares your page on a social network

and most importantly, Google is looking at your Page Title to help rank your site and it’s displaying your page title in google search results, along with all your competitor’s page titles.

Crafting good page titles.

  1. Each page on your site should have its own unique title, don’t just copy and paste the same title across all of your pages.
  2. When it comes to your home page, don’t call it home, get your keywords in there and your company name. You can call it home in the navigation.
  3. Page titles can’t be more than about 60 characters or they get cut off in search results.
  4. They should definitely use at least one of your primary keywords for that page, ideally right at the start.
  5. If your business is focused on a particular city, then include your city name in the title for sure.
  6. If a well-known brand is a part of your page, then include that in the title too.
  7. Use Title Case, that’s what it was invented for! capitalizing each word, except smaller words.
  8. Separate the elements of your page titles with dashes or pipes.

Well written page titles can make a big difference to how you rank on Google. Invest the time to write quality titles and you’ll be sure to see an improvement.

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